Name of the Home: Home for The Persons with Mental Illness

Type of home: Rescue and rehabilitation of Homeless persons with mental illness

Run by (Govt or NGO or Private): NGO 

Name of the Organisation: M.S.Chellamuthu Trust and Research Foundation

Address: Angayarkanni Kalyana Mahal, Opposite to Corporation water Tank, Ayyanar Kovil Street, Aruldosspuram, Thathaneri, Madurai-  625018.

Area Name: Aruldosspuram, Thathaneri

Google Map Location: 

Boys/Men or Girls/Women or Both: Both

Number of persons staying in the home: 50

Food Sponsorship Accepted (Yes or No): Yes

If Yes, Money for Food or Cooked Food from Outside or Both): Both

Approximate Amount for Food: Rs. 4500

Accept Clothes (New, Used, Both, No): New

Other Needs: Groceries, Provisions and Vegetables 

Contact Person Name: RM Department - Chellamuthu Trust

Mobile: 9600314219

Email: [email protected]
